Posted on 16 février 2024 by Isabelle de Botton on Forex Trading

Koronawirus 9 listopada. Ogromny wzrost zgonów. Nowy raport z Ministerstwa Zdrowia

Od nas wszystkich zależy, w którym kierunku rozwinie się druga fala epidemii koronawirusa. Musimy wrócić do zbiorowej dyscypliny, przestrzegać zasad i nie bagatelizować ryzyka zakażenia się. Bądźmy odpowiedzialni za siebie i innych. Liczba zakażeń rośnie, zbliżamy się również do szczytu czwartej fali, który według wstępnych prognoz nastąpi na przełomie listopada i grudnia, albo na początku […]

Posted on 31 janvier 2024 by Isabelle de Botton on Forex Trading

LimeFx Broker Review: Are They Worthy?

LimeFx is a regulated broker operating underthe Seychelles Financial Services Authority and offering a wide range oftrading instruments, including forex, futures, commodities, shares, andindices. The platform provides traders with an intuitive experience andadvanced features, such as one-click trading and a range of technicalindicators. LimeFx also offers educational materials, multilingual customersupport, and four types of trading […]

Posted on 21 juillet 2020 by Isabelle de Botton on Forex Trading

Best Books About Forex Trading for Beginners A Definitive Guide

It does so by offering a very realistic approach and explanation and ensures the readers understand the various pitfalls they may face when trading the forex market. Scalping is a popular trading strategy that best forex trading books for beginners involves making multiple short-term trades to profit from small price movements. Bob Volman’s book focuses […]

Posted on 19 mai 2020 by Isabelle de Botton on Forex Trading

1 USD to NZD US Dollars to New Zealand Dollars Exchange Rate

Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) are available at bank branches, along main shopping streets and in malls. International credit cards and ATM cards will work as long as they have a four-digit PIN encoded. All major credit cards are accepted in New Zealand, with Visa and Mastercard the most widely used. NZD/USD (New Zealand Dollar/U.S. Dollar) […]